Friday, June 26, 2020

Romance is Still a Live

              Generally, in the romantic movie we can find that a man loves a girl with romantic moment easier than through a real life. We just think that it's really difficult to find it around us. Sometimes we wanna get that moment but the situation is not supporting. Maybe a man ask the girl for her loving. He ask it grimly, even he likes a beggar who ask the only girl in the world. Unfortunately, the girl know that the man is not only one person in the world. She can still find another man with more hondsome, more money, more intelectual, etc. The man is never stop, he struggle it because that a man's phylosopy. The girl's phylosophy is refusing it and stalling him. Moreoften the girl using a reason that is tangy.

               The movie can smile because many people become a romantic believer while they are growing from kid until young boy or girl. Maybe we are one of them who believe the romantic love. We hope it happened until we find that a real life is more suck than it. We become a break heart just because we aren't a person who can be like a comedian or athletic person or smart person and the others reason. Eventhough, we try so hard to become a good person but we have to accept that we are still refuged. In the question situation that we feel, the way become steel near of us. We find ourself be hard header until we almost get frustation and lack of confident too.

               Sharing of life give other colour of it. A woman who become a lucky person shared her life. She said that she become a single parent for a long moment. She worked hard for her 3 children and lose her happy time in dancing, walking with her friend and hang out because she must take care of her children. But she is really happy now because her husband now change of her life and children. One day, a man asked her for lunch and he so calm to let her talk to much about her suck life. She talked to him about her feeling to get fun moments again. Moments that she can going to a cafe, dancing, singing, hang out, walking in the beach. She talked everything without stopping and realized that in front of her,still sit a real human there who still breath and can or want to talk too. However, that man so calm and listening herfeeling. After that they go work again in their different position.

           Then the man came again to the girl and asked her if he can go out that night with her. She said ya after her mom wanted to take care her children. So lucky and unpredictable they went to a cafe and got dancing. Singing together in that night. After that the man asked her for walking in the beach under the beautiful Month. Everything was happened liked she wanted. She was really surprised until the man hold her hand and finally asked her for marry him. So romantic and beautiful moment was happened.

          So maybe it hard to find the moments like that, the romantic loving. But we can make it because we are still graced a love and we know that Love is not need reason to know. It come suddenly and our choice for making it become a romantic moment because Romance is still a live.

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